Daniela Vieira dos Santos
The new social place of Brazilian Rap from the musical production of Emicida.
RAP as an urban cultural manifestation is an important expression of segregated subjects worldwide. In Brazil, the so-called new generation of RAP has been passing through considerable transformations, particularly regarding the relationship with the mass media. The paper aims to demonstrate these changes by exploring the contradictions on the trajectory of the Rapper Emicida.
Daniela Vieira dos Santos is Visiting Researcher in the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies at King’s College London. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Department of Sociology at Unicamp (Brazil) funded by Fapesp (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo). Author of the book: “Não vá se perder por aí: a trajetória dos Mutantes”. São Paulo: Annblume/Fapesp, 2010.